Welcome to the Inspiration Series

These videos feature Dr. Jodi’s mentors, fellow health and wellness professionals and most importantly people that inspire her. The main goal of the inspiration series is to open her patients and followers up to fresh ideas in the realm of healing and to inspire and encourage people to live the life they’ve always imagined for themselves!

We have to self-parent in order to parentโ€ โ€“ Jennifer Kolari
“Don’t give up and don’t let anyone decide your end goal.” -Francesca Brunsden
I am NOT my body, I am IN my body” – Jen Arron
“We need to learn how to bring LOVE into every aspect of life” – Marti Glenn
“In the journey of life we’re not supposed to see through people, we’re supposed to see them through” – Mardi Thomas Goodman
“We recreate from our past unless we replace it with a creation of the future” – Catherine Farquharson
“I needed to take a chance on myself, push myself, and reawaken a side of me that I was ignoring” – Emily Getz
“You don’t get what you want, you get what you feel about what you want.” – Hina Khan
“When we understand that we have choices, we can move through.” – Donna Jacobs
“Once you’ve got courage, you have more courage.” – Marie Bates
Thriving with a Chronic Illness – Shelby Firsten, RD
Dr. Jordin Wiggins – Sexual Health
Black Lives Matter with Bettina & Shaona – Inspiration Series
Dr.Shyamala Kiru, Registered Psychotherapist- COVID Inspiration Series
Tia Slightham, Certified in Positive Discipline – COVID Inspiration Series